EKH work instructions - EKH EKH work instructions - EKH | Erkende Keurbedrijven Hijs- en Hefmiddelen

EKH work instructions

The EKH work instructions prescribe which actions must be performed when inspecting and approving lifting gear. The work instructions include the official regulations and directives, where necessary supplemented with more detailed requirements derived from the specific experience and expertise within lifting and hoisting equipment industry. This ultimately means that the legal standards and directives that apply to the inspection and supply of lifting and hoisting equipment are put into practice in a clear and unambiguous manner.

The work instructions are regularly updated to reflect changing regulations or technical developments. Companies which are affiliated are obliged to abide by these work instructions with respect to the delivery, inspection and testing of lifting and hoisting equipment. This gives customers of EKH members the guarantee that the associated legal standards and directives are complied with. This is essential given the fact that the owner of the lifting gear is ultimately responsible for it.

EKH has summarised these work regulations in two (Dutch-language) publications:
a manual on operating procedures for lifting and hoisting equipment (EKH Bedrijfsvoering Hijs- en Hefgereedschap: digital  download available) and
a manual on operating procedures for cranes and lifting machinery (EKH Bedrijfsvoering Hijskranen (-werktuigen): ): which is also available as a digital download).
For more information, please contact one of the many certified  EKH companies.