Explanation of regulations - EKH Explanation of regulations - EKH | Erkende Keurbedrijven Hijs- en Hefmiddelen

Explanation of regulations

Regulations have been drawn up for both the construction and use lifting and hoisting equipment, as well as its maintenance and inspection.

The European Machinery Directive and the Work Equipment Directive are included in the Dutch Working Conditions Act (Arbowet) and the Commodities Act (Warenwet). The EKH has worked out the legal standards and requirements in more detail in the work regulations for inspectors (below the hook & abov e the hook).
Handy summaries have been drawn up from these work instructions to give some idea of the way in which EKH deals with regulations:

  •    Operating procedures for cranes and lifting machinery (Bedrijfsvoering hijskranen en hijswerktuigen) (download – Dutch only)
  •    Operating procedures for lifting and hoisting equipment (Bedrijfsvoering Hijs- en Hefgereedschap)  (download – Dutch only)