
In 1992, the government decided to close the Inspectie van de Havenarbeid, which at the time was responsible for ensuring that the statutory regulations relating to the inspection of lifting gear was observed. This represented a change in government policy. “Oversight” transformed into “retrospective monitoring”. Because, at the time, interpretation of the statutory regulations was highly ambiguous, the uncertainty surrounding accountability for inspection of lifting gear only grew. To end this uncertainty, on the initiative of a number of industry partners, the EKH (the association of recognised inspection companies for lifting equipment) was founded on 14 September 1993.

EKH sets itself the goal of raising the bar when it comes to the safety of lifts and hoists. It does this by unambiguously putting into practice the statutory regulations which apply to the inspection of lifting equipment. This provides users of lifting equipment (employers andemployees) with the assurance that was no longer possible by the government. Ongoing deregulation of the statutory regulations, not least through the introduction of European Directives, has ensured that the need for these are greater than ever.
The basis to EKH’s approach consists of the following:
- EKH work instructions
- Training programme for inspector ‘Above the Hook’
- Training programme for inspector ‘Below the Hook’